
Manténgase al tanto de nuestras noticias regulares de la compañía y la industria, centrándose en las válvulas industriales. Haga clic para leer las últimas actualizaciones que le interesan.

Showing 1–10 of 56 results

Comprender las ventajas Y desventajas de la válvula de globo tipo Y

Comprender las ventajas Y desventajas de la válvula de globo tipo Y

  In pipeline systems, valves play a crucial role, and among them, the Y-type globe valve, also known as a straight-flow globe valve, is widely employed in various industrial and engineering applications. Distinguished by its unique design, where the stem and passage form a certain angle, while the sealing surface of the valve seat and the inlet and outlet passages are also angled, the Y-type globe valve offers a range of distinctive functions and advantages.   Working Principle  ...

Características y aplicación de la válvula de compuerta de doble disco paralela

Características y aplicación de la válvula de compuerta de doble disco paralela

  The parallel double disc gate valve is widely used in fields such as water conservancy, chemical industry, urban water supply, and drainage. With its unique design and excellent performance, this valve plays a significant role in engineering applications. This article aims to explore the features, structure, and application scenarios of parallel double disc gate valves comprehensively, providing insights for readers to understand and utilize these valves effectively.   Structural Analysis...

Problemas comunes y soluciones de la válvula de bola de instalación del muñón

Problemas comunes y soluciones de la válvula de bola de instalación del muñón

  Trunnion mounted ball valves are widely utilized in industries such as petroleum and chemical engineering due to their versatility and reliability. However, like any mechanical component, they can encounter various issues during operation. Below, we outline common problems associated with trunnion mounted ball valves along with their respective solutions.     1. Leakage   Leakage is a prevalent issue with trunnion mounted ball valves, typically arising from poor sealing. This...

Características técnicas de la válvula de mariposa de alto rendimiento

Características técnicas de la válvula de mariposa de alto rendimiento

  In industrial applications, the selection of valves is crucial for fluid control and pipeline operation. High-performance butterfly valves, as advanced automatic control valves, have gained widespread use in recent years. In comparison to conventional butterfly valves, high-performance butterfly valves offer significant advantages in terms of performance and reliability.     Issues with Conventional Butterfly Valves   Conventional butterfly valves suffer from various problems,...

Habilidades básicas de mantenimiento de la válvula de mariposa

Habilidades básicas de mantenimiento de la válvula de mariposa

  Butterfly valves play a vital role in industrial pipelines by regulating fluid flow with their simple yet efficient design. However, over time and with changing conditions, they can develop issues like wear and leakage, impacting their operation. To ensure industrial production continuity and stability, maintaining and servicing butterfly valves is crucial. This article discusses maintenance measures to extend their lifespan, improve efficiency, and support reliable production.    ...

Fallas y precauciones comunes en el funcionamiento de la válvula criogénica

Fallas y precauciones comunes en el funcionamiento de la válvula criogénica

  Cryogenic valvesDiseñado para entornos de muy baja temperatura, generalmente en el rango de -40 grados Celsius a -196 grados Celsius. Sin embargo, al igual que otras válvulas,Válvula criogénica are prone to various malfunctions. Here, we will explore common types of failures associated with cryogenic valves and precautions to be taken during their usage.     Falla común de la válvula de baja temperatura       Las fallas comunes en las conexiones de varios componentes incluyen fallas de empaque...

Guía de optimización y mantenimiento de la válvula de mariposa

Guía de optimización y mantenimiento de la válvula de mariposa

  Wafer butterfly valves, renowned for their simplicity and superior performance, are indispensable in industrial settings for controlling pipeline flow. Despite their efficacy, ensuring sustained operation requires precise installation and diligent maintenance. This article explores strategies to enhance the utilization and upkeep of wafer butterfly valves, guaranteeing their reliability and durability under varying operational demands.     Pre-installation Preparation   Before...

Características y aplicación de la válvula de bola completamente soldada

Características y aplicación de la válvula de bola completamente soldada

In modern industry, valves serve as indispensable control components within pipeline systems, bearing crucial roles. Among these, the Fully Welded ball valve stands out as an essential valve type, possessing unique advantages and extensive applicability in terms of its performance and range of uses. Let's delve deeper into the characteristics and applications of the Fully Welded ball valve to gain a better understanding of its significance in industrial settings.     Performance Highlights...

Sobre nosotros
Fundada en 2013, Bose Valve es una empresa profesional de fabricación de válvulas en Suzhou, China. Principalmente suministramos válvulas de bola industriales, válvulas de compuerta, válvulas de globo, válvulas de retención, válvulas de mariposa, válvulas de llave y filtros diseñados y fabricados de acuerdo con los estándares API, ASME, ISO, DIN, BS y EN.
Our Contacts

Building 2, NO.59, Songshan Road, SND, Suzhou, China